Daily Devotion June 16

June 16: Psalm 92:5-7

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 92:5
5 O LORD, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep .

Trying to fathom God out is not something we should try and do unless we want to send ourselves a bit nuts… Yes we should try to understand God’s ways, get closer to Him so we can get to know Him, understand the bible and be able to share this wisdom… but actually understanding God is way beyond anything the whole world could accomplish even if we were able to all think together at the same time! (you know what I mean)

If we presume to know what God is capable of, is planning or wants to do then we are only fooling ourselves. We cannot hope to get inside someone else’s head never mind the mind of God! I know many of us find it very difficult to understand other people and to even begin to think like other people so why should we try to second guess God and His ways? Simple answer… we shouldn’t!

As soon as we accept that God is actually all powerful and that His ways are beyond our imaginations then we can begin to have the kind of faith He wants us to have. When we learn to trust Him even though we think things are impossible, when we place the impossible situations in His hands and trust Him, then we move closer to getting to know the real God of Heaven and Earth! We will always struggle with the concept of the rich people getting richer, the poor getting poorer, the earthquakes, the storms and general chaos of this world we live in; but that is not God forcing things upon us…

How many people have gone ahead and built their homes on ground that is not suitable even though history has shown us it is not suitable? How many people go ahead with their own ideals even though they have been warned against such things? We tend to make our own choices no matter what the advice; and much of the advice we get is probably good advice – but we ignore it through our own choice! Don’t try and blame God for something you chose! If we want to get to know anything we should try to get to know our own minds first of all, and trust God with the things He can do!

Points to Ponder:
Do you always make good choices?

Are you trusting God or your own choices?


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