Daily Devotion June 18

June 18: Revelation 7:13-17

KJV Key Verse: Revelation 7:14

14And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest . And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them * white in the blood of the Lamb.

It is difficult for us to understand what Heaven is going to be like because we only know words that can describe what earth is like; so the words used here are the writers best attempt at describing the unknown in words we can relate to. Even though we may be living in times of tribulation and though we sin and do our own thing, we always have a door upon which we can knock to find God and forgiveness!

It is the blood of our Saviour that washes our sins away and not the blood of any number of sacrifices we attempt to offer in His stead. Nothing but the blood of Christ can wash away every speck of sin we have in our lives, and once washed away it stays away. These people had robes which were totally white – washed clean and forever clean. It may not look exactly like a gathering of people all dressed in white flowing dresses when we get to Heaven, but the symbolic description gives us hope.

The New Jerusalem is described in various ways in the bible to show us how special it is going to be. We treasure things like gold and fine gems because of their looks and pureness; our place in Heaven is going to be surrounded by great things which are pure and beyond our imaginations. We will be in the presence of our God and King, not just for a day trip or single visit, but for all eternity where we will be able to say thank you in any way we can.

We may face horrible things while here on earth as we see society and our physical world literally fall apart at times, but nothing will be there in Heaven to bring us down, nothing will be there to make us cry, nothing will be there to make us sick. Christ is not only our Salvation but is also the one who will look after us for all eternity in Heaven. What a glorious day it will be when we can be with our Saviour in such a place!

Points to Ponder:
What do you think Heaven will be like?

How much love will you be able to show Christ in Heaven?


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