Daily Devotion June 19

June 19: Judges 6:28-32

KJV Key Verse: Judges 6:31
31 And Joash said unto all that stood against him, Will ye plead for Baal? will ye save him? he that will plead for him, let him be put to death whilst it is yet morning: if he be a god, let him plead for himself, because one hath cast down his altar.

How many times have you given in to do something you know is not right just because it is easier to give in than to stand up and fight for what is right? I know I have caved in many times in my life and I probably will do many more times. Don’t lose confidence just because it does not look easy. Don’t say yes when you mean no. It may be that it is our word which will give someone else the courage to stand up with you and make the difference when it counts.

There has to be a catalyst that starts the ball rolling and there has to be some support to keep it going. If we are not willing to be the catalyst then maybe the support will fade away and we will lose a whole lot more than just time and energy. Giving a bit of time and a bit of energy to make a difference for someone else is what will count!

Gideon was the catalyst and what he did was to pull down the altar of Baal to show people they could stand up for God. If we think our faith is not strong enough or we think we are not brave enough, we too may well stand by and not do anything like the rest of the people. But if we ask God to give us courage enough to make a little difference, He will make sure we have support to make a big difference. Gideon was not brave enough to do it during the day time, so he did it at night time; but that act was enough to make others stand up and say ‘enough is enough!’

Joash stood up and declared Baal worship as being wrong. Everyone knew it already, but nobody had the courage to stand up to the people who were condoning it. Once that step had been taken, more people stood up and did what was right. More people turned back to God and God was given the glory once again. Gideon knew more trouble lay ahead, but he was willing to trust God in the end – it just took him a while to gain that courage… God gave it to him!

Points to Ponder:
What things do you turn a blind eye to?

Will you ask God for courage to stand up?


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