Daily Devotion June 2

June 2: Isaiah 48:3-5 KJV Key Verse: Isaiah 48:4 4 Because I knew that thou art obstinate, and thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass; Devotion: God has tried to make sure we hear the truth, His Word, His plan and His commandments from the beginning. He has not changed things, though we do seem to think so. He has remained faithful though we think He ignores us at times. God has not changed; we change. But do we admit to that change? Oh course not! It is a bit sobering to read words like this in our bibles; places where God is telling us we are going to ignore Him, reject Him, despise Him and just plain get it all wrong. He continues to tell us we will even be obstinate about us getting things wrong and we will try to blame everyone else and in describing our ways He uses words we can understand, even the people at the time could understand. Why is it that we struggle to see God is right and He knows us better than we do? Has He not told us of these things before they happened? Has He not warned us from the beginning of the faults we have? Why do we continue to question God instead of accepting His ultimate authority? Because if we did admit to hearing anything we would have to accept the blame ourselves instead of passing it on to other people all the time! Why admit to anything if you can blame somebody else? What do we do when we feel cornered? We lash out and blame something instead of someone! If we have made something our idol then it is easy to blame that instead of admitting the truth! If we have allowed something into our lives and we let it rule our lives, then turning round and blaming that instead of admitting your fault to God is so much easier! Points to Ponder: Are you blaming someone or something? Will you admit it to God today?


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