Daily devotion June 21

June 21: 1 Kings 18:33-39

KJV Key Verse: 1 Kings 18:37
37 Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the LORD God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.

Elijah was under no doubt God was going to do something real to convince the people they were trying to worship something false. He was also under no doubt God would show the people nothing is impossible with Him. The priests who were following Baal were numerous and they had failed to raise their own god’s attention no matter how far they were willing to go to get that attention. Elijah, on the other hand set the altar up and then stood back while he made his earnest request to God.

Elijah did not make the ideal surroundings for fire, quite the opposite in fact. He did not give God a hand by doing everything he could to support God. Elijah left it to God after putting subtle reminders down in front of all the people of Israel about their heritage! God wants us to know He has been with us from the beginning and continues to uphold His ways despite what we do in our lives.

Nothing is impossible with God and He continues to show us through daily life, through the whole universe and through the tiny little things in our own lives. We just have to look at the truth and believe in what He has done and what He is doing. Yes it is hard to not get caught up in the world and to not allow worldly ways to take over, especially if we think we can give God a helping hand just to make sure things happen. That is not what God is asking us to do.

God is asking us to trust in Him and in His ways. If we listen carefully to what He wants in our lives we will get a whole lot further with Him. If we are willing to do what He wants instead of trying to force Him to do it our way then we will get more support than we realise. It is God who is God and not man. Let us give Him the glory for what He can do instead of trying to invent glory to show other people how good our gods are!

Points to Ponder:
How confident are you at talking to others about God?

Are you actually trusting Him to guide you?


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