Daily Devotion June 22

June 22: Ezekiel 36:24-32

KJV Key Verse: Ezekiel 36:32
32 Not for your sakes do I this, saith the Lord GOD, be it known unto you: be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel.

Have you noticed that God will still bless you even when you have done things wrong? Have you noticed how He does not turn His back on you even when you have turned away and gone off on your own? How can God then continues to bless you and keep you safe? The simple answer is that He knows your heart and He knows what you are capable of, so He plans ahead to allow you to see how much He loves you… just so You can tell people of His love once again!

Don’t forget God. Don’t reject Him. Look for the blessings and count them to see He has not forgotten you and He continues to be there for you. Look for the steady and solid rock which is not moving even when we reject His ways because we want our own ways! God has not moved away and He has not allowed His kingdom to crumble just because we have – He will always be our rock and our Saviour!

I like to spend a day just looking for the things God has done for me when things get rough. I like to take a step back from everyone around me yelling and shouting about all the trouble and strife to see how God has not moved but is still holding up the righteous ways when I am mixed up in the rubble of trouble. I do love God and I say that out loud to make sure I hear it and realise it. Just thinking it in my head does not make it real, but saying it out loud in my prayers brings it home to my heart.

Be real about what God can do in your life, but don’t close the door just because you think you have done something wrong. Keep the door open and allow the truth to come in and see the blessings God is trying to encourage you with today. Sometimes I get torn between what I want to do and what everyone else wants to do; at times like that I turn to God and trust Him to show me a way forward where we can be joyful together and still praise God!

Points to Ponder:
Do you try to do things for God?

Have you tried just doing God’s will?


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