Daily Devotion June 25

June 25: 2 Timothy 1:8-12

KJV Key Verse: 2 Timothy 1:9
9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

Can you think back to the last time when you kept quiet when someone misquoted the Bible or kept quiet when you knew the answer was in the Bible? Can you remember a time when you did not speak out just because you thought you would get mocked for telling someone what the bible says? Each of us have been given access to God’s Word and we need to use that access to the fullest extent we are allowed to!

It is no good hiding the truth under a stone in the hopes someone will eventually find it when we can take a step forward and give them the truth there and then! God knows we will not always have a smooth day when we stand firm in the Gospel. He knows we will come up against people who just want to shout us down. He knows we may end up in jail when we dare to speak about the bible in lands where they ban it. But He is willing to stand by you every step of the way, giving you strength and courage to continue on.

This is what God has called us for – not to keep quiet but to stand up and tell people about Him! It is not how effective we think we are based on our years of training but on how effective we can be based on the power of God working through and in us! Don’t complain about not having the training. Don’t complain about not knowing the Bible. Don’t complain to give yourself a way out. Complain about not being given enough opportunity to share the little knowledge you have about God!

Let us not be ashamed about what the Bible says. If we don’t know the answer, read up about it and study it. If we still don’t know, share it with others until you find out. If people are upset by what we say find out what is upsetting them, work through it. Don’t assume they can find out for themselves because that may be the time when they turn away because nobody else seems to care…

Points to Ponder:
Do you share your Bible?

Are you following God’s calling?


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