Daily Devotion June 26

June 26: Titus 3:1-8

KJV Key Verse: Titus 3:5
5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done , but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

I must admit to having to read through passages like this a few times before they sink into my brain. When the English language gets tied up in words I do tend to lose track of what is being said, and hence I do tend to say the wrong thing now and again in these devotionals. But this is no big thing when compared to living our lives out in front of people who do not believe in Christ yet.

If you wanted to buy a new car you would probably want to see it to make sure it looked fine and you may even reject something just because it is the wrong colour. As Christians, our lives are on show in front of many people who are looking for something new to replace the horrible old stuff in their own lives. Not everybody will be looking for the same thing. Some may well be looking for all the dirt and grime to hide in, but there will be some looking for a positive change.

To live a righteous life in front of them is to give them hope for what may be ahead for them. If we can only show them despair then we will not be giving them hope in a positive future. But f we are able to share the life God allows us to have then we will give them something to hope in. We should not try to make them envious of our lives but to show them a different way in which they may find what they are looking for.

Each one of us is very different and our likes and dislikes are different, so trying to impose your ways on others is not going to work. But giving them a glimpse of what you can achieve through Christ will give them a glimpse of what they can do in their own way with Him too. It was because of Christ we were given this life and our eternal life to come. Allow others to see what they can have by opening up a new world to each person you meet today.

Points to Ponder:
Do you encourage others with your Bible?

Are you following your Bible’s teachings?


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