Daily Devotion June 27

June 27: 2 Samuel 9:6-11

KJV Key Verse: 2 Samuel 9:9
9 Then the king called to Ziba, Saul's servant, and said unto him, I have given unto thy master's son all that pertained to Saul and to all his house.

David had a great friendship with Jonathan in spite of what Saul tried to do to him and this passage reminds us of the long term effects of wholesome friendship. David was also in remembrance of the king God had chosen; David did not want to be any part of killing Saul because God had chosen Saul and he had been anointed as King of Israel. David knew he had been anointed as the new King of Israel and so took on the role doing the best he could for God.

Now was the time when things had begun to settle down after all the battles and David was now beginning to think back on all Jonathan had done for him so he could escape the clutches of Saul. David enquires from one of the servants who used to work for Saul to find out if there was any relations of Saul’s that were still alive. If he could not reward Jonathan, he wanted to reward someone from the king’s family.

When David heard that Mephibosheth was still alive he sent for him. After all the trouble with the Amalekites I’m sure Mephibosheth must have thought it was the end for him when David summoned him. Mephibosheth prostrated himself before David to show total submission but David was not in any mood to take that. He reassigned Ziba, who used to be a servant of Saul, to serve Mephibosheth and to work all the land which used to belong to Saul. This land was given back to Mephibosheth because he was the closest heir left alive.

Then David extended his grace and mercy further by inviting Mephibosheth to eat with Him for every meal from then on; thus opening his own house to Saul’s family to show forgiveness for anything that had happened before. David did not want Israel to be divided because that was not God’s will; instead David tried to promote and support God’s will. Yes he did get things wrong now and again which would prevent him from building the temple in the end, but his heart was always for God.

Points to Ponder:
How is your relationship with your friends?

How is your relationship with God?


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