Daily Devotion June 30

June 30: 1 Samuel 25:32-25

KJV Key Verse: 1 Samuel 25:33
33 And blessed be thy advice, and blessed be thou, which hast kept me this day from coming to shed blood, and from avenging myself with mine own hand.

What does it take to stop you from being angry toward other people? When someone makes you so cross you do something out of character and just want to end up doing something which cannot be viewed as good in any books, what would it take to calm you down again? Now think for a while and come up with a time when you happened to make someone else really mad; what did you do to calm things down again?

Some of the most important things in our lives is to know humility, humbleness and honesty. Humility in knowing when we have done wrong and to be willing to admit to doing things wrong. Humbleness in coming down to earth and being willing to do something about it. Honesty in knowing you have done wrong and sharing that with others. Yes all three are difficult and the more angry we get the more difficult it is to have any one of those in our lives.

God continues to try and get us to admit to our faults, but unless we are willing to humble ourselves before Him and before others we are not going to get very far in admitting things. The more we hold on to the anger and the worry, the more we will find it impossible to bring back love into our lives.

It is no secret that God wants us to love each other but in order to love others we have to be able to be honest, humble and show humility. Without these we fail to uphold all God teaches us and we fail to live our lives for Christ. Jesus came to show us what it means to love, the show mercy, to humble Himself and to make a difference. If we want to make a difference we have to start with our own lives and how we affect others through our own actions and reactions. Stop and think. Make a difference!

Points to Ponder:
What makes you cross?

Do you think you make God cross?


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