Daily Devotion June 5

June 5: Mark 5:25-31 KJV Key Verse: Mark 5:28 28 For she said , If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole . Devotion: One the way to see the daughter of Jairus, Jesus was surrounded by many people trying to get close, hear what He said, touch Him and even try to get themselves healed. This woman had faith in Christ’s abilities to such an extent she just wanted to be able to touch Jesus’ garment and supposed she would be healed. She had not openly told Jesus, not the disciples and probably nobody else either what she intended to do… And yet as soon as she touched Jesus’ clothes He was able to sense healing had gone out to someone of great faith. Jesus was so sensitive to the needs of and the faith of the people around Him and probably wanted to be able to heal many more people than just those who came forward. He knew each person around Him and He knew their needs; even amongst such a great crowd of people jostling to get close, He was still able to pick up individual needs. There is nothing we can hide from Christ and nothing He does not know about us. He wants us to be honest and open about our needs, not because He wants to see us begging but because He will get greater glory when others see Him answering prayers openly than silent prayers answered in secret. Jesus wanted to give the glory to God so stopped and questioned who had been healed to make sure others knew what had happened. He did not stop and question because He was cross or to apportion blame. He stopped and questioned to make sure God was given the glory at that point in time because He knew this woman had had this issue for many years. God wants to continue healing people today and He still gets the greater glory when we do so publically rather than in private. Lift up God and give Him the glory publically for all He does for you. Points to Ponder: Do you try to ask God to do things in private? Have you tried to ask in public?


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