Daily Devotion June 6

June 6: Mark 5:35-42 KJV Key Verse: Mark 5:36 36 As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken , he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid , only believe . Devotion: How many times do we lift up our prayers to God with doubts in our minds because we know we are asking for something we have not been able to do or asking for something that we do not think is possible? How many times has God answered seemingly impossible requests in the past; and yet we still doubt? The doubts come into our minds and eat away at the core of our faith breaking down our strength in Christ because we start thinking God is not all powerful. Jesus turned to the ruler or the synagogue and told him to just believe, to believe that this was possible and in the healing for his daughter. I am not advocating any false hope here because we will not all be healed as this girl was, but what I am saying is that we need to believe that anything is possible with Christ! What we tend to do is to limit God’s abilities through what we know is possible. What Christ was saying to the ruler was he should stop worrying and believe. Yes it is very hard to believe in something we think is not possible and even more so when we deal with things we ‘know’ are impossible. We have lived our lives and we have learned many things about life we think are cast in stone because we see them happen all the time. Turning to Christ and believing He can do more than what we ask is something we just don’t get; until He answers! I think one of the hardest things to accept would be the death of your child. Fortunately I have not had to deal with that so far and always lift up my children in prayer because I know God can protect them much more than I can! Does that stop me worrying? No, I still worry and I still lift up yet more prayers because I love my children and family. God wants us to believe. That means lifting up our prayers and knowing inside He will answer. Lifting up His word knowing He will work in other people’s lives. Lifting up each other knowing He will get the glory. Points to Ponder: How sure is your belief? Do you know God knows your belief?


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