Daily Devotion June 8

June 8: Genesis 15:1-6 KJV Key Verse: Genesis 15:6 6 And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness. Devotion: Some people can relate directly to the story of Abraham not having children. Whilst I do have my own children and grandchildren, I do see and feel the hurt in other people’s eyes when I see them without. Just because we get married and love our spouses and do all things the right way does not mean we will automatically have children and families. Our bodies are incredibly complicated and only doctors and scientists will understand just how hard it should be to have children – and yet God allows it! Abraham and Sarah could not see how it would be possible to have children as they got older and older, so as a last ditch attempt they tried to take a short-cut and Sarah got Abraham to sleep with the servant Hagar… This was not God’s plan and deep down I’m fairly sure both Abraham and Sarah knew it. God made this covenant with Abraham and when God makes a promise we should be absolutely sure He will carry out His promise! When Abraham questioned God’s promise God came back and explained it would be his own child born to him and Sarah and not any other child born in their house. The Jews had laws which they began to introduce alongside God’s laws and they began treating them as important as God’s word. Abraham and Sarah were trying to introduce something of their own to work alongside God’s word. Neither of these things will work because man’s word is just that. God will bless us when the time is right and He will make sure we have things according to our needs. Our lot is to wait patiently for the Lord and not to try and work things out our own way when we already know God’s ways are perfect. Christ came to earth in human form to fulfil God’s law and to show us it is all true. Allow God to work in your life today… Points to Ponder: How good do you think you are? Can you compare to Christ?


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