Daily Devotion June 9

June 9: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

KJV Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:16
16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish , yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

Do you read quotes like “don’t lose heart” and wonder how people could be so positive when you cannot see anything positive to look forward to? In the past I have looked at some of the things people write on social media and wondered whether they have actually read the words they have posted! But what would life be like if we were all exactly the same? I thank God He has created us all as very different people.

Yes we get to meet some people in our lives and wonder how they could be so similar to us. We even get to meet people we feel we should have known all of our lives and want to spend the rest of our lives with them. But most of the time we tend to meet people and then lose contact with them, maybe never to see them again. Life is fleeting. We move on.

When you get to know Christ though, you find a whole new dimension to what a relationship is like. Each and every day we have something new to look forward to, something new to learn and something to look forward to. This does not mean we will suddenly find the ultimate partner, nor that we will be able to be friends with everyone, nor that we will become like all the others… It means we get to live a purposeful life if we dare to enter into that good relationship with Christ.

As I have said in the past, our relationships have to be two way. That means getting involved with Christ, getting to know Him better each day and allowing Him into your life every day. It also means listening to Him every day as well otherwise we are starving our relationship. We need to be in constant contact with God in order to live our lives with Him. Stay in contact but also wait for replies. Waiting on God is as important as having your say.

Points to Ponder:
Do you pray constantly?

Do you take time to listen?


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