Daily Devotion May 7

June 7: 2 Chronicles 20:14-23 KJV Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 20:20 20 And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth , Jehoshaphat stood and said , Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established ; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper . Devotion: I do love looking back in the Old Testament at the things God did for the people of Israel. From the miracles through the desert journeys to the things that happened during the reign of the kings, God continued to show Israel He was there with them and looking out for them. This is one of the stories that should be sung about all the time to remind us of how much God can do and how much He does when we believe. Zechariah’s son was told by God this was going to be the day God showed His power to everybody; all Judah had to do was to believe God. What they did was profound and an example we should aspire to. They did not just believe but they placed their lives in God’s hands and they went forward praising God before they saw what God could do. If we were bold enough to praise God for victory before He gave it to us, should we not expect similar results? Our problem is we have doubts and we allow those doubts to overcome our belief in what God can do. It is not the fact that God cannot do what we ask because He can do anything. It is not the fact we ask Him in the wrong manner so to speak. It is more likely to be us asking Him and then either trying to do it ourselves or allowing those doubts to come back and rule over God. Do not be discouraged when things do not go your way because it may not be the right time for things to happen according to God. Judah had faced many things and it was the son of the prophet Zechariah who came forward to say the time was now right. Waiting on God can be very difficult because we often want to get on and do things in our own time. Waiting too long is also easier than listening to God if He asks difficult things from us. But listening to God and believing totally should be our aim. Points to Ponder: Do you ask God for things? Do you always wait on God?


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