Happy Father's Day

Whoever fears the Lord
has a secure fortress, and
for their children it will be
a refuge. — Proverbs
No one can teach your
child like you can. No
nanny, Bible school
teacher, aunt, or uncle
has your authority. What
a phenomenal privilege is
yours. — Max
God Is Your Child ’s
Father Too
God Himself is a father.
What parental emotion
has He not felt? Are you
separated from your
child? So was God. Is
someone mistreating your
child? They mocked and
bullied His. Is someone
taking advantage of your
child? The Son of God
was set up by false
testimony and betrayed
by a greedy follower. Are
you forced to watch while
your child suffers? God
watched His Son on the
In addition, we are God’s
children, suffering in a
world of sin that wreaks
havoc on our bodies,
twists our minds, and
severs our relationships.
Does God shrug His
shoulders and say, “Oh
well, that’s life”? Of
course not. Why would
He go to all the trouble of
introducing Himself to the
world with the title of
Father? Curator, Manager,
and Overseer are colder
titles of indifference.
God’s role is not a job.
It’s a relationship.
So God chose a
relationship title you can
identify with. Now you
understand His heart
when His children are in
So whatever emotions
you feel about your child,
God feels about your
child. Maybe more. I
know that’s hard to
believe, but God has
known your child longer
than you have. He hurt
for your child before he
was born. You’re not
alone. Your Father weeps
right by your side.
God is your child’s Father
too. Just as you’ll do
everything to help your
child during his pain, so
will God. —Max on Life
When I think about
someone wiping away my
tears, I think about Dad.
His hands were callused
and tough, his fingers
short and stubby. And
when my father wiped
away a tear, he seemed
to wipe it away forever.
There was something in
his touch that took away
more than the drop of
hurt from my cheek. It
also took away my fear.
—The Applause of


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