Living Together Before Marriage is not God's Will

Moving into a man or woman’s house before marriage.

To move in and start living with a man as if you are married to him will be the worst mistake of your entire life.

Playing house with a man is foolish because the man will never take marrying you serious when he is already living with you in the house.
What is the use of tying the knot with you when you are already living together as though you were married?

When you press for the marriage from his house or while living together in your house, he will keep postponing action.

Never live together until marriage. If he wants you, let him marry you.

Living with him is making yourself cheap and acting desperate.
You will not have value before him. Leave him with the memory of how you came to his house – a legally married woman.
To let a woman move in and start living with you is ungodly and a great mistake.

If you truly love a woman take her to the Alter. Playing house with a woman is foolish because it is violation of the laws of God and the laws of many families and communities.

Living together with a woman you are not married to and having children together does not make you married.

Trying To Trap A Man By Getting Pregnant /Insisting That Your Woman Gets Pregnant Before Marriage.

Trying to trap a man by getting pregnant for him is actually as a result of loving a man who does not love you.

This is a very costly mistake. You can’t force, coerce or intimidate a man to marry you.
Marriage should be by free will. If it is not, it will be frustrating and sickening.

The man may abandon you and the child, and you will be left alone to cater for the child. This will then become a burden.
Marriage is not by force.

Insisting That Your Woman Gets Pregnant Before Marriage

It is not right to get a woman pregnant before marrying her.
If you love her, you should marry her first before going to bed with her. Trying to find out if she can conceive before marrying her is not right at all.
Love trusts and expects the best. If you are so scared you want to be sure, then go for medical tests to see if she can be pregnant, but never have sex with her or insist that she gets pregnant first.

No Woman/Man should be dating, let alone getting married until she has been trained to reign in the area of love, sex, relationships and marriage.


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