Please Don't Ignore!

My name is Angela, a professional prostitute for 7years, this is my old picture-->

This is my story; I prostituted locally and internationally . In short, I was a professional whore until I repented and became born again. After I had repented, I got married to a man without telling him that I had no womb due to series of abortions. After 2yrs of no child, my husband became worried but I couldn't tell him the truth, it would destroy him. One day, while in church, the Pastor prayed and said every barren woman should buy gifts and donate to motherless babies. I did that with faith and today, I'm a proud mother of 2 boys and 1 girl. Even the doctor that removed my womb was shocked because it is impossible for a woman without a womb to have babies but my miracle working God did it for me. NOW READ THIS; My Pastor prophesied to me that EVERYONE I share my story with shall receive the same miracle in another way, that is why I'm sharing my story with you so that; 1.) You receive your own miracle 2). You know that God is still in the business of performing miracles. MANY WILL READ THIS AND IGNORE THAT IS WHY MANY ARE CALLED BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN. "NOW I PRAY FOR YOU, TO EVERY HAND THAT TYPE AMEN, MAY THE LORD GOD EMBARRASS YOU WITH A GREAT MIRACLE TODAY AS HE DID FOR ME".


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