The Signs of the End Time

The signs of the end times is something that all faithfuls must look for to find out how close we are to the second coming of Christ Jesus. Even many non believers are looking into this issue now, which shows there are significant changes going on in our world today. Many people are wondering what is happening with all these disasters, wars, worldwide economic woes, animal deaths and a general degredation in society. And the Bible has the answer. They are the signs that the end of the world as we know it is close.
Christ said Himself …”So likewise ye,when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors”(Matthew 24:33). We know that we cannot fix a date, but we know the signs.

In Daniel 2, verses 31-45, we have a prophecy of all the different kingdoms that were to rule the world from the time of Babylon, right up until the end of the world and the second coming of Christ (destroying rock). And where are we today? We are in the feet of the image. Amongst the divided kingdoms of the world.
So this prophecy alone tells us that this generation is living in the “end times”. And when did the “age” of the feet begin? In A.D.476.

We have been in the last age for over 1500 years! Conflict and war rages across the globe. Disaster after disaster unfolds upon the nations. Economies are collapsing around the world. Animal life is diseased and dying. And wickedness and sin is rampant. Do you have eyes to see what is happening? God is giving us plenty of warning!
Sign 1- Ability to Enforce Mark of the Beast
Revelation 13:17 …..’And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.’… We are told in this Bible verse that during the last days the beast system would enforce the world to take the mark of the beast.
Now carefully think about this one. It says in Revelation 13 that those who don’t take the mark will not be able to buy or sell. So what needs to happen for this prophecy to be fulfilled, to stop people from “buying and selling”? We need to get rid of cash right? And replace it with an electronic form of payment. It would then be easy to press a button and freeze the finances of any person who refuses to go along with the beast. Has this been possible in the past? No, because we did not have the technology to do it. But now we do have the technology and the people in control are actively pushing for this to happen today. This is a sure sign of the end times that we live in.

Sign 2- Perilous Times Shall Come
2 Timothy 3:1-5 …..’This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.’… The Perilous times are here, and will continue to get worse. There are protests, riots and uprisings all over the world today. The economy worldwide is in trouble and everything just seems ready to explode! And this plays into the hands of the beast power who can bring the “solution” to the troubles of this world. But that solution will be a deception.

Sign 3- Those Who Destroy The Earth, God Will Destroy
Revelation 11:18 …’And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.’… This applies to the end time signs and is an amazing one that many people miss. What could man do to the earth throughout history? Not much, other than sling a few arrows and rocks and dig the ground with a shovel. But what does man do to the earth today? We destroy with great weapons of war and massive industry. Pollute the air with chemicals. Pollute the waters with oil and other toxins. Destroy the forests and so on. And as you will see from the list of mass animal deaths, the animals are dying in great numbers because of it.
There is no other time in history where mankind was destroying the earth like we are today. This is a sure sign of the times.

Sign 4- False Christs and Prophets
Matthew 24:4-5,11 …..’many shall come in My Name, saying, I am Christ …. and many false prophets shall arise and deceive many.’….. With this one, we tend to focus on the “false Christs” and forget that the sign also includes false prophets and preachers. Sure, we have certainly had many characters claiming to either be Christ, or a special “chosen one”. And it doesn’t stop there, as there are many new age, spiritualist, and satanic cults in the world today that deceive the masses.

But we now also have a world full of false prophets, preachers and movements like never before within the churches that preach error and deceive millions of people. For example, the prosperity gospel preachers who focus entirely on material wealth and prosperity and do not convict people of sin.
And the only reason people are deceived by these is because they don’t study the Bible. We need to test everyone against the Word of God to see if what they are preaching is the truth.


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