Who Can Be Your Angel

There was a day a man entered a bus.. Suddenly a MAD Man ran to the bus, pointed at the man and said MAD MAN COME DOWN ..Everybody was surprised and was laughing at the man, the mad man came again and pointed to this young man and shouted MAD MAN I SAID COME DOWN Again everybody started laughing at the mad man who is calling a normal youngman a mad man. Now the bus was full with passengers and was about to kick off when again the 3rd time the mad man ran to the man and shouted MADDDD MANNN I SAID U SHOULD COME DOWN YOU DONT WANT TO HEAR HMMMMM. The man thought for a while and told the driver to stop that he wanna alight from the bus, and he alighted At last the bus went off, 20 mins later it was heard that the bus has gotten an accident and all the passengers died. Now I decree to all those who read this story and ready to type "Amen". whenever the enemy plans to take away your life, the LORD shall send His angel to inform you in JESUS name!!!!! Claim this prayer by typing 'Amen ..


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