Daily Devotion August 1

August 1: Galatians 5:13-15 KJV Key Verse: Galatians 5:15 15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. Devotion: How many times have you asked someone, maybe even your parents, if you can do something without telling them the whole truth about what it is you actually want to do? We are given many rights in our lives, but if we stretch those rights beyond their real meanings, then we are not sticking to them – we may as well just go about breaking the rules – but what good would we be to anyone if we were to do that! Christ has given us freedom and free will; but how we go about using that freedom and free will shows God and others whether we take Him seriously or not. Using our freedom against Christ is really not what God teaches us! Christ has Himself given us the commandment to love our neighbours as ourselves – we need to make sure that we treat others in the same manner as we expect others to treat us. Corruption within our Soul is literally soul destroying; just like a corrupt government or nation will bring down the whole country, so will we if we go up against ourselves and God. Abusing liberty and freedom is working against ourselves; not only will we be eating at our souls as we go against what we know is right, so will we be eating at the souls of the people around us too. Think of it as being like a cannibal in that we are eating the people we love; once we start eating we may not want to stop until they are all but destroyed. Always stop when God says that is enough! The Holy Spirit will be desperately trying to guide us through the minefields that we walk through each day; most probably cringing each time we take another step forward with our eyes closed! It is far too easy for us to return to our sinful ways and continue without caring for others. Taking a stance and standing up for those around you in Christ's name may be the hardest step to take, but you will never look back after that first step! Points to Ponder: Do you really love someone? Would you actually eat them to death?


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