Daily Devotion July 14

July 14: 1 Timothy 2:1-7

KJV Key Verse: 1 Timothy 2:4
4 Who will have all men to be saved , and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

Jesus gave Himself on the cross for each one of us whether we be kings and queens or the poorest of the poor; God does not discriminate on social standing in order that we may be saved. God looks squarely at the individual and what they do in order to judge them. He has given us the command to go and tell people the Gospel so that each person may be able to make their own mind up about Christ.

God also wants to make sure we lift each other up in prayer so we can extend our love to all people just as He has asked us to do. You see, God does not just give us a whole lot of rules to follow and see if we can do them. God knows we cannot keep all of the rules He has made. Instead He has given us opportunity to come to Him and admit to our shortcomings. It is His intention that we are all able to have our sins forgiven, but we have to make the choice in our lives.

It is not our choice as to whom we select to hear the Gospel either because Christ wants us to go to every person and share the truth. He sent His disciples to both Jew and Gentile. He does not discriminate according to race or religion or to family backgrounds. God chooses based on the heart.

We need to also support the people in charge. They are the ones who will be facing the stress and strain of leading groups, counties, countries or churches. They are the ones who need the peace of mind to do what is right when faced with the sins of the people around them. God is able to stick to the truth but mankind will be tempted just as we are; that is why we should lift up our leaders in prayer and support to ensure they have the best chance at getting things right while we are alive!

Points to Ponder:
Who do you pray for?

Do you keep governments in your prayers?


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