Daily Devotion July 15

July 15: Psalm 34:1-7

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 34:3
3 O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.

As a Christian I find the Psalms so wonderful to read through and meditate on because many of them are worshipful songs lifting up god and giving the glory to Him. David went through so many different circumstances in his life and had to face many things; but each time he was supported by a loving caring God! We need to share our experiences of how God has loved and supported us with the people around us. It is the eye witness accounts which will make a difference in people’s lives.

No matter what position we hold in our lives, whether pauper or king, we can all praise God and see how He loves and supports each one of us. Sharing our experiences with others who are from different walks of life allows them and us to see how God works with all people and not just some people. God does not discriminate on any grounds. Man discriminates on many different things and even changes his mind based on how he feels or the time of day. God is faithful and just, remaining the one constant in our lives we can depend on.

I wonder if you have woken up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat as you began to think about something that was going to happen the next day; be it an exam, test, horrible task or even something like a wedding. When we wake up in that frame of mind we should stop and realise nothing we can do will change much we have to face. The only thing we will end up doing is making ourselves even more worried about the occasion. God, on the other hand, can ease our minds and our hearts giving us peace where we never thought it possible.

I know I have called out to God on occasion and I know He has given me comfort where I thought comfort impossible. Giving the trouble to God may not be easy or comfortable in the beginning, but once He starts to calm your spirit you will not look back and wonder why – you will look forward and wonder why you waited so long to ask!

Points to Ponder:
Do you lose sleep over things?

Do you include God in your discomforts?


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