Daily Devotion July 16

July 16: Luke 14:25-33

KJV Key Verse: Luke 14:28
28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?

How many times have you fallen back into your old ways because God has not answered your prayers yet, depended on your own strength because you thought God may not answer or used your own money to do something you had asked God for because you did not want to wait? I think we all fall back on our own mean from time to time because we don’t always think God will answer or don’t want to have to wait for the answer; and in many cases God continues to bless us even though we have tried to do it ourselves.

If we say to God that we are going to depend on Him or that we will wait for Him, then that is what we need to do; not wait five minutes and then go off and do something ourselves! Asking God to do something is one thing, but having the faith to believe He will do it is quite another! Jesus told the people around Him they could not be His disciples unless they left everything behind, including their families. Why? To prove to themselves He answers prayers.

Throughout their history God had been trying to show the Israelites they could and should depend on Him for everything. Time and time again they did their own thing. Time and time again they fell flat on their faces when they tried. That seem to be the way of mankind – if you think of a way to do it yourself, then do it…

God wants people who will be willing to have their faith tested so they will have their faith expanded. If our faith is never tested we will not know it as being true faith. If we continue to ask God and then do something instead why should God continue to listen to our prayers? But He does! Waiting for the right time when you will have nothing left so He can step forward and answer your prayers the way He wants them answered.

Points to Ponder:
Do you ask God for things?

Do you wait for an answer?


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