Daily Devotion July 2

July 2: Judges 11:29-31

KJV Key Verse: Judges 11:31
31 Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the LORD'S, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering.

If you were going to make a promise to someone would you think seriously about whether you would be able to keep the promise before making it? If someone was going to make a promise to you, would you expect them to keep the promise no matter what? Jephthah made a deal with God saying that he would sacrifice whatever or whomever came out of the door of his house to meet him upon his return so long as God gave him victory over the people of Ammon.

You may read a few verses further on to find out who came out of the door to meet him and wonder just how God would allow this to happen. The person who came out to meet him on his return was his only child, his daughter! Now you start asking questions… How can God expect you to carry out your promise when it is your only child? How can God be so cruel as to allow Jephthah’s daughter to be the one to come out of the door to start with?

I have been struggling with what to write about this passage because it just seems so negative and I was looking for something positive to write to encourage people, but God led me to this passage for a reason. Why would God allow something so bad to happen? Well, it is not always God’s fault! We are the people who take the desires of our hearts, the lust of our eyes and want our own ways. We are the ones who twist those wants and desires until something breaks.

God is just and faithful to deliver on all promises made and to answer our prayers as we ask them. I have found out that God answers prayers in spite of us asking. I have found out I have to ask properly or accept the consequences of asking in error. You see, nothing is impossible with God and when we ask we need to expect our prayers to be answered as we ask them!

Points to Ponder:
Do you think about your prayers?

What will you do when God requires you to keep your promise?


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