Daily Devotion July 23

July 23: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

KJV Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:2
2 By which also ye are saved , if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

The biggest thing that struck me when I read this passage were the words at the end of verse 2: “unless you have believed in vain.” How many times has someone tried to tell you about how useless it is to believe in Christ? How many times have people told you that Christianity is a crutch for the weak? I could go on and on with all the sayings and things people have said about Christ to me but let’s not focus on the negative side but the positive side.

The apostle first tells of the positive: I am telling you the gospel which you have received and in which you live. This is not a step of faith in the unknown for the people of Corinth but a step forward into the arms of Christ. The apostle has already told them of Christ and all He has done for us, he has also encouraged them to find out more about Christ and leave their old beliefs behind. He has given them ample truth for them to stand firm in the truth; but he still puts forward the warning of unbelief.

I believe we must always do is to question our motives and our belief. Without questioning we get into a comfortable place where we just go along with the things people are teaching us and don’t do our own studying. We can quite easily fall into the trap of trusting in and following false teaching because we are just accepting someone else’s words. But if we take time to question what is being said to us, take time to study a bit and make sure we are hearing the truth, we will grow so much stronger and our faith will be made stronger!

At the time of this letter being written, so many things in recent history had been told to us in the scriptures and the people were living the history. Not everyone had managed to get to see Christ during His brief ministry, but enough eye witnesses had seen Him for us to trust in the words of the apostle. Don’t just go along with the crowd, be the individual Christ created in you and walk with Christ in His Word!

Points to Ponder:
Do you question your faith?

Are you looking to God for confirmation?


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