Daily Devotion July 26

July 26: Proverbs 14:25-27

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 14:25
25 A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies.

One of the biggest challenges we face in life is working out who we should believe and who we should not. If we were to be surrounded by deceitful people only all our lives, then we would grow up to be deceitful ourselves. That part of our lives would stay with us until such time as we were able to find out the truth for ourselves. We would also grow up not being able to trust anyone, and in turn others would not trust us.

Thankfully most of us are exposed to truth at an early age and we quickly learn to tell the difference between good and bad. Whether we choose to follow the path of good or that of bad is another matter entirely. That is a conscious choice we have to make for ourselves.

But what do we have in order to base our choices on? Well, I believe the ultimate truth that we can base all our life's choices on is the truth that God gives us; His scriptures. If Jesus Himself can beat back Satan by quoting from the scriptures then that has got to be the most solid foundation we can hope for. But it's not just about knowing what is right and wrong – it's about applying the truth God gives us in our lives.

We all know that fire is hot and getting too close to it gets us burned. That gives us a healthy respect for fire, but we still need it because of the benefits it brings. We need to look on God and His Word as something that deserves more respect than fire. Without it, we would have nothing. With it, we can be everything. Without it, there would be chaos. With it, we can find peace. But if we treat it lightly we will find out the hard way it requires more respect than fire. If we don't have the uttermost respect for the very basis of our lives, then we don't deserve to have those lives – that may sound harsh, but think about it.

Points to Ponder:
Who do you respect?

How do you respect your bible?


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