Daily Devotion July 28

July 28: Luke 17:11-19

KJV Key Verse: Luke 17:19
19 And he said unto him, Arise , go thy way : thy faith hath made thee whole .

Leprosy was a disease that people thought was a punishment from God for sins being committed. It was and still is a horrible disease which separates you from normal society. These ten lepers had obviously heard about what Jesus could do and desperately wanted to be back to their normal lives – they probably had families and even children they would not have seen for some time.

Isn't it strange we always call out for help when we think we are in a hopeless state, but not always when we think we can do something about it? The more hopeless the case the more we call out for help. We go through life doing our own thing, but when we find out we have a problem we cannot solve, we turn to God for help and inspiration. Why not do that for everything in life? Why not entrust everything in God’s hands instead of just the stuff we cannot do?

Just like many parents, God does not want to listen to us cry. He would rather pick us up and comfort us than allow us to continue crying for help. And just like kids, we only cry when trouble has hit us and not when it still lies ahead. Just like kids, we accept the comfort and then run off and do something else without thanking our comforter and ignore any warning we have been given about not going there again!

The lepers had no problem calling out to God in their hopeless situation! But what about any other lepers who thought their situation was so hopeless not even God would do anything? Far too often people accept that God is there, but don't call upon His Holy name to be saved from their sins. If we know God is there – we need to talk to Him!

Points to Ponder:
Do you ignore friends who ask for help?

Are you trusting God for help?


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