Daily Devotion July 29

July 29: Luke 18:35-43

KJV Key Verse: Luke 18:39
39 And they which went before rebuked him, that he should hold his peace : but he cried so much the more, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.

Have you ever wanted to shout out to someone even though all the people around you are telling you to keep quiet? I think everyone's answer would be a guarded “depends on who it is” But what if you cannot see who it is and are just depending on those around you saying who it is? That then starts to take on the realms of faith.

Our faith is the firm belief in something that we cannot see, something that we believe but others will say we cannot prove. It is up to us to have faith in our belief and to do what is required to make sure our faith continues. Satan is going to be close by trying to persuade us to not call out all the time. He is going to give us excuse after excuse about why we should not call out and about how our prayers will not get answered or even heard; but if we have faith enough to believe God will hear us, then He will be answering your prayers!

When we feel down, we may well feel like a beggar, sitting out of the way where people have shoved us aside. We may well feel like nobody is ever going to take any notice of us and that we don't have much to live for. But if we are willing to call out to Christ, He is willing to be our Saviour and take us away from our lowly position. He is willing to bring us out of the gutters and keep us by His side. If we are willing to call out His name when we are surrounded by people who want to keep us quiet, then He will be willing to call us out of the crowd which wants to keep us in the gutter!

These people could see Jesus existed, but still they were not willing to call upon Him to be saved – they had doubts with what they saw. But the blind man had no doubts, he knew in his heart what was true and called for that truth. We know Christ exists because of history books and the Bible, but our faith in what He can do for us (personally) is not written anywhere. Our faith allows God to see we love Him and His love for us is not going to be in vain!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like making a fool of yourself?

Will you trust the REAL God?


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