Daily Devotion July 30

July 30: 2 Kings 2:19-22

KJV Key Verse: 2 Kings 2:21
21 And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said , Thus saith the LORD, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land.

How many times do we have to be reminded about our lack of faith, or about how we fall short of God's Works? We can use the Old Testament times as a very good example of how we think when compared to men who put all their faith and trust in God. Elisha was one of those men who wholly trusted God. He was a man who did not need to be reminded of God's awesome power or of his duty to God. He listened for God continually and when God spoke to him, he obeyed immediately.

When we look at our lives, we often look at situation and think about what is right – but what we end up doing is not always what is right, but what we think is going to be easier for us to handle! We have the ability to be able to take any situation and lower it to the point where we can do it with ease or any way as long as it is our own way!

Despite the words that Elisha had spoken to the Children of Israel, they still questioned Elisha when they thought that it would be better to do something “safe”. They called on Elisha to do something because they probably did not have enough courage and faith to ask God in expectation of Him performing a miracle. What Elisha did was quite extraordinary. He took salt and dumped it in the water! Have you ever tried to drink sea water or gargle with salt water? Yet what happened was that the water was purified – not because of it having had a huge amount of salt dumped in it, but because that is what God did.

God does answer our prayers. He listens to what we have to say from the inside and answers our prayers through our honesty. As long as we listen He may well ask us to do something we don’t expect either! If we ask will full reverence, then that is How God will answer. Why do you think it always looks like God answers our cries? Just maybe it is because those are the times that we are most sincere with our prayers. If we made sure that we were sincere with all our requests, we could be certain of a good response!

Points to Ponder:
Do you ask people to do something just to check if they will do it?

Are you testing God or believing in Him?


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