Daily Devotion July 4

July 4: Mark 6:1-6 KJV Key Verse: Mark 6:4 4 But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house. Devotion: Can you imagine going round to different places and everybody looks up to you and says how wonderful you are, and then going back home and being treated as a fraud because they have always seen you are normal? I have had the privilege of being treated as a nobody and it is not what you may think it to be like. Yes it may get you down because you are expecting more but being able to be anonymous and just blending in with the crowd is good sometimes. But what happens when people do not believe you can do things that you have been doing all round the country just because they have never seen you do those things before? Jesus was facing unbelief and rejection because the people closest to Him were the ones rejecting Him. Just because we know we can do things and others may know we can, does not mean that the people who have seen us grow up will believe it. We get stuck in the way we do things because it seems safe to stay doing the same things and not stepping out into new ventures. We don’t believe in our own worth because the people around us don’t believe we can do things. This is quite normal unfortunately and something we have to be aware of otherwise it will get us down. Sometimes we just have to get on and do things in spite of all the rejection and lack of support. But going off and doing things should not be done alone. Jesus sent out the disciples in pairs and not alone. We do need someone by our sides. We do need someone who is going to lift us up when we feel rejected or dejected. We do need a positive spin on things when we are caught up in the negative things. God made us to be like Him and He is certainly not alone! God, Christ and the Holy Spirit always work together. Take note! Points to Ponder: Do you go and do things because nobody else does? Do you take God with you?


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