Daily Devotion July 7

July 7: 2 Corinthians 10:7-11

KJV Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 10:10
10 For his letters, say they , are weighty and powerful; but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible .

How different are you in talking face to face with people as opposed to writing them emails, sending texts or writing letters? I know I seem to be very different when face to face with people because I lack confidence in my ability to say the right things on the spur of the moment. The more I learn to trust God to give me the words the more I seem to cope with it – but I still lack confidence in myself.

God gives each of us different ways of handling things and He allows the right people into our lives at the right times for us to learn how to move on to the next step or stage in our lives. I have learned so much over the last decade of writing devotionals and try to apply what I have learned into my own life; I still wonder how God is able to give me insight into things when I think I cannot cope myself! I know God prepared me to write these devotions by allowing me to find someone who was writing devotions and emailing them out around 18 years ago, someone I grew with until they moved on to do ministry in a different way; that’s when I started writing them for myself and others.

If you met me you may well think I am not at all the type of person you expected me to be – just as Paul is intimating here in this passage. God gives us gifts to use at the right time. For some He gives the gift of being able to speak the right things whilst for others He gives the gift of being able to write things down… the rest of us just get along and try. I tend to write what is on my heart as I read through the Bible and through what others say about the Bible. If you met me I may eventually get round to saying the right thing!

I am able to love God more each day by living my life with Him. I am able to draw closer to Him by writing down my feelings in my word processor and placing them on the Internet for others to join me in my journey. I hope and pray each message goes out to reach into your hearts and allows you to draw closer to Him as well.

Points to Ponder:
How different is your life to what is on paper?

Do you remember God is listening to your heart?


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