Daily Devotion July 8

July 8: Jeremiah 29:10-14 KJV Key Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expectedend. Devotion: Do you remember the book of Jeremiah for all the bad things and warnings that were written down against Israel? So many times we get caught up in all the bad things happening in our lives that we miss out on the good points or we cling to anything that seems like a good idea and end up in more trouble than we started with. The trouble Israel were in was because of their disobedience toward God; it was self-inflicted. But even though they were facing a time of great trial whilst being exiled in Babylon, God was still giving them advice as to how to get through it and how to prosper. Just because we may be going through tough times ourselves does not mean that all the doors have been closed permanently, it just means they are closed for now. God still has plans for us and still wants us to continue on doing His work, but we have to watch out because of the false prophets and teachers around us. God has set in motion things in our lives and the only thing which will stop those things happening is us and the choices we make. We can either look for the best ways at the time and try to work our way through things doing what we think is best all the time, or we can trust God to deliver on the promises He made to us in the beginning. It does not mean we close down and wait for God to do everything. We need to continue moving forward, but listening to God’s instructions! Jeremiah was telling the people of Israel they had to continue on with their lives and to prosper so they would be ready for their triumphant return. They had to follow His commands to make sure it happened, turning away from the false prophets who may give easy directions or things to fill the desires of the people’s hearts rather than those to fulfil God’s word. Points to Ponder: Are you looking for easy ways out? Do you follow God’s ways in troubled times?


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