Daily Devotion July 9

July 9: Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV Key Verse: Isaiah 55:9 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Devotion: How we think and how God thinks are totally different. We like to think we know things and we like to believe we are in charge, but we lack so much! Don’t get me wrong, I know God has given us amazing minds and gave charge of this planet to us, but we still have a whole lot more to learn before we can even imagine ourselves as being anything more than what God has created. It is beyond our dreams to even think how He created us in the first place! As I think back on some of the things story tellers and authors have come up with in the realm of science fiction I begin to see how much more is possible with God. Man writes stories about us controlling things with our minds and scientists are striving to make computers which will pick up brain waves and control other things. We try out hardest to make things like that possible and it takes years or research and practise before we even make a dent in the discoveries to make. I then look back at some of the things God has shown man and the miracles Jesus performed in front of man and I think… we have so far to go still! God was able to speak and things were done. Jesus did not have to do years of research before He could turn water into wine or heal people. God’s ways are way beyond our thinking and even further beyond our abilities. Trust in Him and believe in Him and His ways will continue to encourage and astound us! We dream of being able to cure things like cancer. We dream of a cure for the common cold. We dream of so many ways in which we can enrich and improve our lives and yet this is normal for God. He can and does cure people; so why doesn’t He cure everyone who asks? Why does He not remove cancer from society and stop the earthquakes and floods? Because His ways are far beyond our imaginations. When we look back over time we begin to see why things happened the way they did. God is in control! Points to Ponder: Do you sometimes wish you knew the results? Are you trusting God for His results?


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