Daily Devotion August 10

August 10: Matthew 26:36-44

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 26:40
40 And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep , and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?

If we were ever to live our lives with a single purpose, we could go so much further than anyone else before. We use so little of our brains to actually focus on the things that we should! Much of the time our brains are used in idle thought, random meanderings through thought! Jesus came to the Earth for a single purpose... to seek and save us! He was thus focused because of His great love for us and the knowledge we could never save ourselves. He knew what had to be done. He knew He had to give His perfect life up for our imperfect lives.

So many times we tend to forget the good things that people have done for us. So many times we never acknowledge the good that others have done for us. So many times we simply let it pass because it is easier to do so than to admit that someone else has interceded in your life! God's perfect life was given as a sacrifice to cover our imperfect bodies so that we would not have to pay the same price as He did. Death.

Note that last phrase in verse 39 “... not as I will, but as thou wilt.” Jesus in His human form could have given in to His human body and admitted defeat like so many of us do, but He was not willing to give it up. His love for us followed through and He carried out God's will. He carried out God's will to the letter to make sure He was entirely blameless and a perfect sacrifice for our sins so that nobody could argue!

Much of our lives is spent asleep as we allow the world to walk on by and also allow the moments Christ has set aside for us to walk on by. Christ gave the apostles this time apart in a quiet part of the city to pray. He took them aside and gave them this special moment to join Him in prayer; but their bodies were weak and they gave in to sleep. Before you go to sleep today, think about what Christ has done for you and think about what you can do for Him. Prayer is powerful.

Points to Ponder:
Given a choice, do you choose the first or the best?

Are you choosing your best for Christ?


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