Daily Devotion August 11

August 11: Romans 3:21-26

KJV Key Verse: Romans 3:22
22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe : for there is no difference:

Why do we have the Old Testament and the New Testament? Why not just one Bible? The simplest way I look at it is we have the Old Testament which lays down the foundation of our existence, of the history of followers of God and His rules and regulations. These all help us to see the New Testament in a totally different light as we begin to see how much Christ has done for us already.

I believe it is an oversimplification to say it is the scriptures before and after Christ because they have to be taken together in order to make sense of each other. The Old Testament points to the New Testament and the New Testament builds itself on the Old Testament! The Old Testament builds on the righteousness of God and the New Testament builds on the righteousness of Christ. Together they present the righteousness of our God in all His glory.

Just as man first sinned in the Garden of Eden, so man continues to sin in this world and in this age. We know it as sin because the Old Testament shows it to us as sin, and the New Testament gives us the knowledge we are saved by God’s grace through His Son Jesus Christ. But we need to believe in God’s Word, whether it be the words from the Old or the New Testaments we need to build our faith on the truth held in our Bibles.

Christ gave us the gift of salvation once and for all. It is a gift from Him and one He is not going to come back for to ask for it back again! Jesus gave His own life on the cross as proof the Old Testament is the truth straight from God. Jesus came to fulfil the Old Testament and got the right people to write down their own accounts of all Jesus did for us whilst He was here on earth. Lift up your praise to our Awesome God!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like history?

Do you know God’s history of the earth?


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