Daily Devotion August 13

August 13: Isaiah 37:14-20

KJV Key Verse: Isaiah 37:17
17 Incline thine ear, O LORD, and hear ; open thine eyes, O LORD, and see : and hear all the words of Sennacherib, which hath sent to reproach the living God.

How do you react when someone says something against God which you know is not true? Do you stand up and shout them down because you are so cross or do you try and take them aside to give them the truth and explain their errors? It is difficult not to get cross with people who are ignorant of God’s ways when it seems like they are being foolish; but it is not our task to judge people and make them feel like fools.

Hezekiah did not retaliate with letters to say how wonderful and strong God was, nor how God could destroy the Assyrians without Hezekiah even lifting his army. Hezekiah lifted up the words to God and prayed for justice to be done, not by the army or other gods but by the One True God of Israel!

Hezekiah did not ask if it was possible for God to do this or if it was God’s will to do this; he pleaded with God to deliver them from the hand of someone who dared to speak against God Himself. If we are going to come up against an enemy that frightens us or one who thinks nothing of God, we need to give the situation to God in faith and with confidence knowing He will provide justice.

God is faithful above and beyond our comprehension. He has delivered people from danger all throughout history. He has delivered me from danger. I know I can trust Him and I want to encourage each one of you to place your faith in Him because He is God of everything and not just God of the people who ask in the right way. Don’t limit your prayers because you are afraid He will not hear them or answer them. Lift up your prayers with confidence and purpose. Glorify God today!

Points to Ponder:
Do you live by God’s laws?

Do you know God has already chosen to love you?


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