Daily Devotion August 14

August 14: Acts 11:16-18

KJV Key Verse: Acts 11:18
18 When they heard these things, they held their peace , and glorified God, saying , Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.

We are living in times when Jews are being discouraged from living in certain countries in the world and they are finding hard times. Times when people are fighting Jews just because they are Jews. Hitler was just one of the many leaders that “had it in” for the Jews and took many of their lives; but he also had it in for Christians and took many more lives! We still hear of people fighting Jews and Christians just because they dare to be who they are.

Why the fighting against Christians? It comes down to what Jesus taught, what the Bible tells us: that Jesus came into the world to seek and to save everyone because they have done wrong against Him and against others. He came to be Saviour for everyone, not just Jews, not just people in so called Christian countries, everyone!

Many religions round the world will say that they are the only people that will be safe. Some teach about having many gods. Some teach about you being a god. Some teach about war and death. Others teach about love. But just as we are reminded there is only One God, we must also remember He foretold about people pretending to be gods and people corrupting the Word of God for their own devices.

If you want to be able to find the truth, then you must go back to the Bible and look up for yourself what God has said, done and promised for each one of us today. No matter how many people say they know better, the Bible is God’s Word and we need to hold it up as such. Yes interpretation has corrupted it in places, but when we study the whole word of God we find truth. Trust God and trust His word.

Points to Ponder:
Who do you like believing?

Do you listen to God’s Word?


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