Daily Devotion August 15

August 15: Ecclesiastes 7:20-22

KJV Key Verse: Ecclesiastes 7:22
22 For oftentimes also thine own heart knoweth that thou thyself likewise hast cursed others.

“All I want is to be happy. As long as I have a house, a family and friends and enough money to do what I like and when I like – life would be good!” This is a philosophy that many of us start out with in life and many try to stick to it. Unfortunately we are human and our human ego starts to kick in and take over!

We may always strive for more but none of us can hope to go through life doing good all the time; we always trip up and do something wrong whether that is shouting at someone with anger or just turning your back on them when they need you. However much we try to stay good, we find all sorts of pit falls to trap us! And what is worse is when we fall we always seem to take someone else down with us, or instead of us!

The more that we try to understand things, the more that we learn and understand what we are doing wrong. The more that we understand that we are doing wrong, the more upset that we get about what we are doing. But it is only through learning that we will understand what we are doing wrong! So when someone says “you learn from your mistakes” don’t go out and make as many mistakes as you can to learn, try listening more to start with!

We could try to earn as much money as we can all our lives, but the more we earn the more we want to earn and the more we lose sight of the real goal of life. Gaining all the money we seek will not do anything for us unless we actually spend the money too. We could leave it all to our children and feel good about that, but what good has it done for you? The simple fact is we are all going to die one day so we should aim to get our lives sorted and not just our bank accounts. God wants us to be happy, but we get lost trying to seek happiness in worldly ways instead of with Him.

Points to Ponder:
Who tells you what is right and wrong?

What is your current goal in life?


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