Daily Devotion August 16

August 16: Ephesians 3:8-13

KJV Key Verse: Ephesians 3:13
13 Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.

How many of you think about crossing bridges? How many of you question whether a bridge is going to be safe before crossing it? How many would ask the same question of a rope crossing a river? We tend to judge things quite quickly in our lives. We learn from experience and then apply that experience to make informed decisions, often in split seconds to allow us to continue on our way. If we saw a rope bridge across a deep ravine, we would probably think twice before even attempting to cross it. But when we see a concrete bridge high over a river, we continue on our way without giving it much thought.

When we are crossing that river for the first time, we are putting our faith in something that we did not make. Something that we do not yet know about. But more often than not, we simply believe that it will hold our weight. We put our trust in something that we can see. But faith is all about believing in something that we cannot see. So why should we believe that Jesus can do what we cannot see?

Jesus was able to describe it to the disciples in terms of light and dark. You can have a dark room, but as soon as you let a little light into that room, it is no longer dark. In 1 John 1:5 the disciple tell of the message being given by Christ to him and that same message now being passed on to us all, God is light and no darkness can be anywhere near Him!

God supplied us with a method by which we do not have to pay for our sin; He sent His Son to die on the cross so that we did not have to pay the debt for our sin. Instead, He has paid it up in full!

Points to Ponder:
Would you trust anyone to drive you home, even a blind person?

Are you leaving your life to the professionals or just anyone?


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