Daily Devotion August 17

August 17: Romans 14:8-13

KJV Key Verse: Romans 14:12
12 So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

In the West, we like to pride ourselves on having a judicial system that is fair and just. But all too often we find out people have slipped through the system, being found either guilty of an offence they have not committed or being found innocent of something they are guilty of. What we actually find is we have a system that is only as honest as those people who are within the system. We also find the system is only as good as the laws upholding the system. Some laws exist that we do not know of, but which can be used against us in order to prosecute us! Simply because they exist!

What we have in the Bible is indisputable truth and laws. One of the reasons why we have the Bible is to allow us to know what we are doing things wrong. Just as we find some laws which can get us prosecuted even though we do not know them, there are many things in the Bible which we may not know about but we are still guilty because they exist!

Even if we do take the decision to “do nothing” we find each of us will have to “give account of himself to God.” Each one of us will have to stand up “in court” and defend ourselves against the laws that are written in the Bible. We will be standing before a Judge who already knows the laws and the truth and will keep the law!

Jesus paid an awesome price by sacrificing himself on that cross so that we do not have to pay that price for our sins. He has given us all a “get out of jail free” card to use. All we have to do is to acknowledge Him as our Lord and saviour and we will find that our debt has been paid for in full. The laws which once convicted us will be set aside because He has accepted our punishment on our behalf!

Points to Ponder:
Can you cover up being found out telling lies?

What if they had it on video tape?


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