Daily Devotion August 19

August 19: Romans 8:35-39

KJV Key Verse: Romans 8:39
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Sometimes when we try to find the best birthday present for someone special, we go out of our way to make sure that what we do get is absolutely right. But there are limits to the things that we can do before we will give up and go home! When you receive a gift for your birthday or for Christmas, you can enjoy it for as long as it will physically last. For when the wheels fall of the car, the car becomes useless!

God gave the ultimate sacrifice for us; His Son! He knew that by doing that He would be able to demonstrate just how much He does love us, even though we never seem to follow the rules! When you receive God's gift, you are receiving a gift that will last forever! Something that will never wear out, something that will never corrode, something that will not break under duress!

Yes we will still have things go wrong in our lives just as we have things go wrong with the presents we get from others; but God’s gift continues to outlast those moments of failure and continues to bless us for all of our lives. So if we know that we have a free and everlasting gift waiting for us, why do we hold back and “do nothing”?

It is true that the free gift will always be available for us up until the Jesus does return, but never forget we do not know when He will return; hence we do not know whether we will make our choice before it is too late – be safe, not sorry!

Points to Ponder:
God's perfect sacrifice results in God's perfect gift.

Are you waiting for absolute scientific proof?


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