Daily Devotion August 2

August 2: 1 Corinthians 2:9-12 KJV Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 2:11 11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Devotion: No matter how much we get to know and love other people, it does not change ours or their earthly intelligence. No matter how intelligent we are, we will not be able to read the minds of those people around us, even the ones we love. Yes we can get to learn what things they like, what they prefer and we can make intelligent guesses as to what they may be thinking about but that is all. How much of that are we going to retain when we die? Man has been able to pass on knowledge from generation to generation by writing books, teaching and learning. That knowledge is spread through all walks of life and through all subjects. With the Internet, phones, radio and television, that knowledge can spread faster than we can talk, further than we had ever imagined and to many more people than we had imagined. But again, where does it all go? What use is it going to be if we are not learning the right things? What use is it going to be if we do not live forever? If we are not good enough to being to know the thoughts of those around us, then how can we hope to get to know the thoughts of God? Well we can’t really. But he has given us so much in this world and through His scriptures we can make intelligent guesses as to what He would think of the things we do. Christ promised to give us the Holy Spirit and He does. That same Holy Spirit is the one who is able to know the thoughts of the people around us and even of the thoughts of God. Is not our task then to listen to the Holy Spirit so we can understand God’s ways and God’s plan? Should we not be stopping all the things we do in our lives which distract us from God and listen to Him through His Spirit? The more intelligent we become the more we think we can pick up on the thoughts of others and God Himself. Don’t be fooled by the foolishness of pride… Points to Ponder: Do you regard yourself as intelligent? What is the first thing that comes into God’s head?


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