Daily Devotion August 22

August 22: Ephesians 6:10-20

KJV Key Verse: Ephesians 6:11
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Each person goes in to do their work dressed appropriately. A soldier would not dream of going into war dressed in shorts and a t-shirt waving a plastic sword, though I spent some of my childhood dressed in that manner! Instead a soldier will dress up in appropriate clothes for the battlefield they are to fight in so they are as camouflaged as possible making it harder for the enemy to see them. They will also carry all the weaponry they need for their battle as well as sustenance and even rudimentary first aid. They are as prepared as they can be so they can do the best job they can.

You will not see a lawyer go into a courtroom with no supporting paperwork and with no witnesses. Instead they do as much as they can to prepare themselves for the battle they will face in the court. Each of us should be as prepared as we can to do the job at hand.

As Christians we are going to come up against a lot of different people who will throw all manner of horrible things against us just so they can win their own private battle against you. We need to be prepared to come up against such people everywhere we go. The problem we are going to face is that we do not know exactly what we will come up against. A soldier does not know their enemy inside out and so must take extra things along to cover for the unforeseen. So too should we be prepared for more than we expect.

Taking God and His word with us will allow us to be prepared for every eventuality. We may not feel like we are prepared because we may not know Christ as good as we think we should and we may not know the Bible as much as we feel we should; but by allowing God to guide us through His Holy Spirit, we will be able to face up to things we have not thought of yet. God is ready.

Points to Ponder:
Do you think you read your Bible enough?

Do you let God guide you through His Word?


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