Daily Devotion August 23

August 23: James 1:2-6

KJV Key Verse: James 1:5
5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

What would happen if you were to try abseiling from a tall building without a rope? Well, let's just say that it is a long way down, and the pavement is very hard! When you go over the edge you will start to fall. The fall will be very quick and you will not have must time to think about anything. When you hit the bottom... that will be it... nothing more... no more abseiling, no more hotdogs, and no more second chances. But if you were doing it the proper way, you would be able to enjoy the view (if you could open your eyes), you would get down safely, and you may even do it all again in the knowledge that it is safe to do so!

So when you go back up again for another try you almost leap off the wall before the rope is securely tied and in your rush you slip as you get over the edge! Everything flashes before your eyes and then you feel the safety rope is secure and you settle down again for another safe landing. The next time you remember to keep your footing more surely and check everything before you start. You have learned from your mistakes. People notice you making the extra safety checks and preparing properly…

By doing that, you are showing others that there is a good way of doing it that makes things better and safer for all and gives the maximum enjoyment all round.

Learning from your mistakes is one thing, but being able to listen to others so that you can learn faster is often a bit harder to do. God wants each of us to learn things the best way, from the best possible instructor. Our instruction manual is the Bible and it does contain all that we need to know.

Points to Ponder:
Do you listen to your instructor?

Or do you think you know better?


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