Daily Devotion August 25

August 25: 1 Corinthians 12:12-19

KJV Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 12:14
14 For the body is not one member, but many.

I'm sure that you have all heard of sayings like “a chain is only as strong as the weakest link”. Well, without each one of those links, no matter how weak or strong, a chain would just not be a chain! By definition, a chain is a whole series of links linked together. Just like our bodies are many different parts all trying to work together in harmony, so too are many things around us. Can you imagine a house without doors or a plane without wings? Whilst it may be possible, they are not the expected norm.

But what happens when the weakest link breaks in the chain? The chain is now no longer a single long chain, but broken and not as useful as it was to start with. It would be difficult for a plane to fly without wings or for an army to succeed with most of the people absent or on holiday. Each group of things needs others things in the group to succeed.

In our lives we have to come up against many different things including others who may work against us. If we give in to the things or allow them to affect our work in one way or another we may not be as effective as we were before we gave in. Temptations do not harm us until we give in to them. We need to remain strong by ensuring that we work together and not against each other. Any team is much stronger and more effective when they work together.

Sometimes the best thing we can do is to build up our defences making our situation safer and stronger. If we wait to see what happens when things go wrong we often find out the hard way it could have been handled in a better way! But if we are prepared to go out and do a bit or reconnaissance, we can find out where the enemy’s strengths and weaknesses are and try to build up our defences accordingly. Be prepared! Use all you available skills and use them wisely. Know your friends so you can combine your skills. Know your enemy so you can defend against their skills.

Points to Ponder:
How many people in your team?

Are you a team player for God?


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