Daily Devotion August 27

August 27: Psalm 32:3-5

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 32:5
5 I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid . I said , I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.

When you get into trouble, do you admit to your wrong-doings, or do you try and water down the truth so that you may not get into so much trouble as you think you would! Maybe you are thinking that by diluting the truth a bit you are able to pass the buck on to someone else so that you don't have to take all the blame. Or maybe you are thinking that by diluting the truth you are able to make things look a little less bad!

We live in a world where God is everywhere, God can see everything and God knows everything, even every thought that we have. How can we hope to hide any part of the truth from someone who knows it all to start with?

An important part of our Christian lives is that we do acknowledge our sins, confessing them to God when we do sin. That means telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth when we do. It also means confessing as soon as possible, not building up a years worth of rotten things and then letting them all come out at the end of the year! Yes it is hard to admit your mistakes as soon as they happen.

God wants us to confess our sins all the time so that He can wipe them away. We know that they have been forgiven by Him giving His life on the cross, but we still do have to let them out. The longer that we hold those things inside us, the longer that they have to twist us up from the inside and the longer they have to wreak havoc in our lives. But as soon as we are able to let them out, the quicker God is able to take them away for us. Imagine not being able to throw garbage away for a few months at a time. Imagine the smell that would build up around the pile of garbage in the heat of summer! Imagine now, being able to throw stuff away as soon as you can and not having to empty out the garbage bags/bins?

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel good when you hold things inside for too long?

Are you ready to confess now?


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