Daily Devotion August 20

August 20: Psalm 34:15-18

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 34:17
17 The righteous cry , and the LORD heareth , and delivereth them out of all their troubles.

Do you have a friend who you can call on day or night and know they will come to help you? I know it is a great comfort to have someone like that in your life and I try to be like this to the people around me. I know God is there for me at all times and continues to love and support me even more than I admit to at times; praising God is easy when you know He is there.

But when things go wrong in our lives we often think God is not going to be there or we feel like we are far away from Him. I am not going to tell you it is you who have drifted away from God because that is not always the case. Sometimes you just do feel far from God even when you know He is there with you. There are days when you are going to feel down and you will not know why. Lift up your prayers and praise to God and continue to trust in Him.

God has promised to deliver us out of our troubles. He has promised never to leave us or forsake us. Sometimes the world around us is just so corrupt and evil we cannot see the good because of all the horrible things we are focusing on. God is still with us and still cares for us! And yes it is easy to say this to someone else and sometimes hard to imagine for yourself!

I have learned to trust God in everything and every day of my life. It is not always easy and it does not always seem like He is listening as much as I would like Him to listen; but that does not mean He is not here with us! Just because we cannot see Him and just because we can see all manner of horrible things does not mean He is not here. When Job was going through terrible trouble, he called out to God and asked Him why! It is not a sin to ask God why. He would rather we ask why and listen for an answer than sit and sulk and blame Him without knowing the truth!

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel alone?

Are you asking God why?


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