Daily Devotion August 3

August 3: John 6:26-29

KJV Key Verse: John 6:29
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent .

How many times have you asked God to show you a sign about something so you can believe? I know I have asked God on occasion and been very surprised at the result because He has opened my eyes to things I have not even been thinking of when I asked. Christ was showing the people He knew what was in their hearts and He wanted them to simply believe He had been sent by God to save the world. We can look back in our bibles and come to the conclusion Jesus was indeed sent by God, but the people did not have everything written down as clearly then as we have now.

And yet no matter how much we have written down we still ask God for signs and miracles just so we can believe or make our faith stronger. I keep telling myself I have to trust God more and continue to show my faith by displaying that trust; it’s not that easy when things fall down around you and you are seemingly left with very little to hope in. I do not believe God is constantly testing us by taking things away and seeing how we stand up to our faith, but I do believe Christ continues to encourage us to simply believe in Him.

The disciples were told to go out into the world and heal people after they had learned how to trust Christ time and time again. Trust is often not something we switch on or off in our lives but rather built up over time through testing and through trials. It is the consistent outcome from those trials which we can believe in, but the trial do have to come first of all. I know I have learned not to ask for so many signs as I grow closer to Christ, but I still ask… because I’m still learning.

I know God answers my prayers and I know He is listening to all of them I lift up. I trust He is going to answer the ones I have asked in faith and I trust He knows the best timing in my life for those answers. Trust and faith are being built up in our lives each and every day through us believing in Christ and all He can do.

Points to Ponder:
Do you ask for signs?

What if you asked for greater faith?


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