Daily Devotion August 30

August 30: Matthew 24:9-14

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 24:11
11 And many false prophets shall rise , and shall deceive many.

How do we know when we are doing things right or wrong? Well, we should be using the Bible to teach us. We should be getting inspiration and guidance from the Holy Spirit through God's Word (the Bible). The Bible also warns us about the pitfalls that lie ahead. The many things which are going to be there to trip us up in our lives. About how Satan is going to do what he can to trip us up at every possible occasion.

We are going to be shown things in our lives that we will believe because they look so good. We are going to be tempted by things because of how good they seem at the time. We are going to be lead down the garden path by people who will say they are our friends and guides. We are going to be fooled by people that will do many wonderful things.

Look around you at the moment and think about all the people that are fooling us at this moment! Think of the adverts we see on TV and hear on radio telling us of the great things we can do – if only we pay them enough money! Think of the miracle cures for various ailments – that will only work on half the people that take them. Think of the adverts promising you a good life and times – if only you suck on that cancer stick!

We are surrounded by such people already. We are conned into all sorts of things in our lives. We are promised things in visual aids that do not come with the goods when we pay for them! God is the truth. God deals in the truth. God does not deal in drugs. God does not deal in evil. God does not deal with anything He does not condone. So why should we?

Points to Ponder:
Do you get a false sense of security from many earthly things?

Are you chasing a false foundation?


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